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Store Review: Cosmetic Love

Hello Princesses!

Today I'm going to be talking about my shopping experience with Cosmetic Love! I used to shop with Cosmetic Love quite a lot, but the more I bought the more I strayed away from shopping with them since their prices were higher. The charm with Cosmetic Love was that the shipping was free, however they have recently changed their shipping policy so that now you must pay by weight. I was interested to see if the core prices on Cosmetic Love had dropped to reflect the increase of the new shipping price.

Website Practicality
Cosmetic Love still has a lovely website, though it does have some frustrating features. The drop down tabs are incredibly sensitive and big, it can be hard to move the mouse around the screen without making the drop down tabs actually drop down. However, it is easy to search for the products I wanted, add them to my cart and check out.
Price Comparison
In general, the prices on Cosmetic Love were more expensive than most other stores. Of course they do have sales, and in this instance it was slightly cheaper to purchase the mascara from Cosmetic Love than it was from the other two stores.

Cosmetic Love
Skinfood Root Curl Mascara - $6.55 + Shipping $2.14 = $8.42

Skinfood Root Curl Mascara - $8.18 + Shipping $4.71 = $12.89

Shipping and Packaging
I made my purchase on the 20th of August and my package was never shipped. I emailed Cosmetic Love after one week to ask why my package was still unfulfilled - no reply. Emailed again with more insistence and got the reply that they had a lot of orders and asking if I would like to cancel my order. I replied no, but if you could upgrade my shipping that would be great - no reply. On the 5th of September they cancelled my order because there was "no stock" although the items are still in stock on their website. Very disappointed.


Final Thoughts
I am extremely disappointed with the Customer Service Cosmetic Love provided and will no longer shop with them. Waiting 17 days for an order to just be cancelled is frustrating because in that time every other order that I purchased on the same day arrived in NZ. They didn't pay attention to their Customer Service, and I feel like they didn't pay attention to my order either. I don't have time to wait 17 days for an order just to be cancelled, so I will take my business elsewhere.

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