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Week 73: We'll We're Moving on Up...

Weekly Video Review - Phone Call With Ma

Theme song of the week:

Super Bowl Sunday, February 5, 2012

Read Post: Superbowl Sunday

Monday, February 6, 2012

At Denny's working on Week 72 Video Review. 

* After Denny's I went to Free Monday Night Improv classes and met a really cool new friend. On the way back home the transportation authority decided they we're going to be checking tickets/tap passes on Wilshire/Vermont. Since I've been back from the holiday break I ignited my old routine of not paying not paying for train rides. The buses would only get a dollar from me but the trains nothing. I believe in paying for transportation but since there hasn't be a steady flow of income I've been cutting my corners. I did that a bunch of times within my first year (December 5, 2010).

Today, was a judgement call with the authorities but somehow I got passed them again. When I noticed them, I took a moment to think of a legitimate excuse. Then the officer asked me, "ticket or tap?" I said, "tap." He said, "okay, walk through and tap your card on the other side." I knew very well that my card had no funds on it. I walked through, paused then tilted my head to the side. They weren't even paying attention to me. They were focused on all the other passengers. Therefore, I just continued walking until I got home. That's what you called a close call. That could of been a possible $250.00 ticket. I amaze myself because that's like the 4th time I've been stopped by the transit authority and I managed to get away free. Although, I know I could continue to get away with it. It gets tired after awhile. A day or two later I just paid for my weekly pass.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012 

* Agent sent me a Miller Lite audition. The notice came in yesterday. Casting companies name is Cast Partner. Address: 7700 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90046

Miller Lite was looking for interesting looking guys. I guess I'm not interesting enough.  I felt good about it
I thought I got it but oh well. 

Read Post: Homeless Era Obliterated

* Attended LA Casting Networking Mixer today.

April J aka Jasmine & Motown Maurice 

LA Casting & Jasmine Related: The Networking Kings of LA

Other Jasmine Related: Future of Late Night Campaign Supporter

Wednesday, February 8, 2012 

Read Post: First Morning at New Home

Read Post: Manhattan Monologue Slam comes to LA

Thursday, February 9, 2012

* Introducing my new friend Cresha. I mentioned that I met her at Monday's Imprvo class. We've stayed in contact and she invited me for breakfast this morning. It ended up being a great morning for both of us. Afterwards, I was even able to print out the things I needed for my audition at Staples, because it was conveniently located across the street from Denny's. Thank you for making my morning great Cresha.

Motown Maurice & Cresha at Denny's on Vermont/6th 

Read Post: Maker Studios Here I Come

Read Post: De La Soul - Must B The Music

Read Post: Mid Week Update: I'm Actually Picking Up...

Read Post: Nicole Murphy hosts Maxwell Dickson’s “Art...

Friday, February 10, 2012

Taking my almost daily trip to the Pico Branch library for faster uploading computer speed.  

Saturday, February 11, 2012 

* I met a lady named Myrta at The Notice Network 18th Annual SAG Awards Networking Event. She asked me to call her about a movie audition and I reluctantly did a few days later. After we spoke I was still apprehensive about going. I felt like I needed more information. Nonetheless, Myrta continued to be proactive about calling me. Yesterday, she called and shared much more information and I then officially confirmed my attendance. I'm glad I went. The audition even inspired me to trim my beard. 

Reading my script before the horror film audition. 

Final Thoughts

The weekend ended in a tug a war between music videos. Two music videos wanted me for Sunday & Monday but I couldn't do both. I actually went with the first video that called me even though the video I turned down was going to have me as a feature and pay me more money for two days. I believe in staying loyal to my word. I'll share more about the music video ordeal next week.

As the quest continues...

The Future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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