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Fashionably In My Skin

Asos petal crop jumper, bootcut jeans (5)

It's funny how thoughts pop into your head. What things said or seen can trigger a whole days worth of contemplation. I fully intended to do a style post; and it still is, but after having triggered my very active brain, I've now got a few things to say too.

I wanted a new light jumper for winter, something more than a T-Shirt but still stylish enough to put with a skirt. Soon I found myself purchasing this little jumper. How beautiful is this? Just look at that pattern, its like its been hand painted on.

However pulling it on, I came to realise it was rather short. It fit everywhere else, except it turned out to be a crop. Not ideal in my eyes. I pulled and pulled, hitched up my jeans, and tried to cover. I hate showing off my stomach. It was only when I looked at the clock and realised I was super late for a lunch date did I just have to go with it.

Asos petal crop jumper, bootcut jeans (1)

I was rather nervous to take these photos, telling my friend/makeshift photographer to be on "fat roll spotting". Yet afterwards, it got me thinking, why was I so scared? 

Lots of bloggers have amazing bodies, yes its true, but also the truth is social media is a very edited sense of reality. No one is going to post up the picture of them with a food baby or not edit out the massive zit on thier chin. Lots of thigh gaps and blow dried hair is posted instead. 

I was nervous because yes, after eating dinner I get that fat roll when I sit, and yes when I wear a tight skirt my thighs rub together. My hair is extremely 'Fluffy' and doesn't look like it's been salon blow dried... without a salon blow dry. Sometime's when I don't wear a bra, my boobs smack against my skin because they are too heavy, and I can't do an arty shot of my coffee perched on my thigh gap, because I don't have one.

I'm not fat but I'm not thin. I work out at the gym, but I like fries and pork belly as well. This is no rant against social media, purrrlease! Shesh no! This is me saying I feel fashionable in my own skin, even though I don't have a flat stomach. And that's a win for me today.

Asos petal crop jumper, bootcut jeans (8) Asos petal crop jumper, bootcut jeans (2)Asos petal crop jumper, bootcut jeans (3)

Chocker Necklace- ASOS
Flower Jumper - ASOS
Jeans- Levi's c/o Get The Label*
Boots - c/o Shoe Zone*
Bracelet - c/o Azuni*
Ring - Topshop
Watch- Michael Kors
Bag- Zara

I may be more known for my pencil skirts and heels, but sometimes I just want to put on a pair of figure fitting jeans, a gorgeous little top and a sturdy pair of boots. And that's cool too. If your hipster one day, it doesn't mean you can't put on a suit if you feel like it. Casual was my mood, casual but with flair to make me feel confident. So if I was going to do jeans, they might as well be Levi's right?

Asos petal crop jumper, bootcut jeans (6) Asos petal crop jumper, bootcut jeans (7)

All I can is guys. If you love an item of clothing, just bloody well go for it and wear it.

As at the end of the day, I love my cop top, and me and my not flat stomach are still smiling.

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