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Kim Kardashian Gives Tips On How To Be Successful

Kim Kardashian was in Nigeria last weekend to co-host a concert, and while there, she did an exclusive interview with Gbemi, Beat FM's On Air Personality. At the very top of the interview, she gave tips on how to be successful in life. A lot of people might say the girl has no talent, and that they wonder why she is so successful. Well, this is a wake-up call for you- talent is never enough. In fact, talent is overrated. Sit on your talent all day and see whether it will bring food to your table. You have to understand the Universal rules/laws of success. Sit back, and let Kimmy break it down for you...in the simplest way-

"You know what? I think that it is really important for people to really understand that nothing comes easy. I think that it might look that way sometimes...and...you know, but it really doesn't. And even if you get discouraged through...you know, things don't go your way, cos that obviously happens...you know, to me. As long as you just stay true to who you are, and just fight through, and have your goal in mind of really what you want to accomplish, and don't let a thing that anyone say or do get in the way of that, then, you can really be successful."

I have read all the greatest motivational and self-help books out there, and I can tell you it doesn't get better than what Kim K has stated above. This is a summary of the part to success, and it will work for any one in any field, in any part of the world. Next time you wanna criticize kimmy, remember she went to the school of the hardknocks to have to have learnt this.

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