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New Look 6864 and 102º in the shade

TIme for a sundress because we have a heatwave going on.  Yes it really is over 102º F here at my house this week, and the forecast is saying even hotter tomorrow. At times like this we all console ourselves with the fact that we don't have humidity!
I did say I was going to make some separates, and have finished a couple of tops, but in this weather I like to throw on a cotton dress and sandals so I decided to pull out another of my favorite patterns, New Look 6864. I first made this 2 summers ago and it is still available so it must be a good seller for New Look. Sewn more than 8 times so I have gotten my money's worth. Also I am starting to realize I have a lot of dresses with this same neckline.
Looking a bit limp and wrinkled after a day of running around in this heat, but not bad considering this fabric is quilting cotton from my stash.  Plus my favorite color, turquoise, photo is a little overexposed so the color is not quite right. Here is the pattern envelope, I guess my version is the one on the right in black.  While I love these multi-version patterns the yardage chart makes me crazy, I think this version was squeezed onto about 1 3/4 yards of 45" fabric. I will do another post with some sewing and fit details, plus some things I noticed when comparing similar New Look and Simplicity patterns. 

New Look 6864 pattern
A better look at the dress on the form.  This is a more accurate version of the color and not so wrinkled.

Some other versions


My mom wearing another version, fabric from Hawaii which I made for her to wear at her luau birthday party a few years ago, on another 100º + day, so we are "glowing" a bit. I was running around all day getting ready for the party and got dressed quickly, afterwards I realized we were wearing the "same" dress.  Well, no one but a dedicated pattern peruser (nerd like me) would know that :)

Jackie and Beth

Post to follow (hopefully this weekend) on how I fit  this pattern, I found it has a couple of little quirks that can be adjusted to get the bodice to fit correctly.

IMG_0469Here is today's SunnyGal garden photo - my poor hydrangea that gets its drip irrigation early in the morning but by 5pm it is droopy and gasping for a drink.  If you look a few posts back at my printed silk one-hit-wonder  pictures you will see this same plant looking all lush and lovely with purple blooms.  Oh well, I love hot weather so I can't complain!                                  
Happy Summer Sewing, Beth

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