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What I Wore: Weekend Edition

After months of humming and hawwing and adding loads of photos of similar garments to my Pinterest boards, I finally treated myself to Zara's gold sequin skirt on Friday and then proceeded to wear it all weekend.

We spent Saturday afternoon hanging out in the park with Boris. In retribution for the zillion photos I took of him enjoying himself and looking cute, he decided to get his photobomb on.


Yesterday we visited the temporary Queen Elizabeth Roof Garden on the top of the Southbank Centre for a late lunch and some Pimm's...

... and a few awkward photos on that unsung catwalk of the underground, the travelator.

I hope you'd a lovely weekend and that your week has gotten off to a good start x

{Skirt: Zara / polka dot top: Glamorous / zebra belt: River Island / gold flip flops: Office / Scottie dog print top: River Island / butterfly belt: Topshop}

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