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yes. we. can

Has anyone else noticed trendy foods?

Is it just me?

First it was everyone must drink smoothies. You were no one without your wheatgrass shot or a plastic cup with liquided spinach in one hand. You coffee drinkers got scornful looks from people in the know. Urgh. How dreadfully behind the times. Jump smoothie bars shot up all over Dublin and the rest of Ireland. Every second building.  But then people grew tired once more of pretending to enjoy the bitter taste of a pint of lemon and raspberry (not to mention the crazy prices) so they binned their smoothie maker (well, those things are a bitch to clean) and the next phase to shoot up was, sushi.

Yo! Sushi shot up all over Dublin and sushi became the next big thing. Brought on by a range of celebrity sashmi eaters this craze again had us all pretending to be full after slivers of raw fish. We also pretended not to notice we were paying stupid money for the food in YO! (seriously anyone else noticing that too????) So we moved on from that too.

In recent months the humble bagel became the new thing.  (Ireland does like to bend over  happily for American trends) we became able to knowingly tell our multiseed from our poppy seed and know that bagels are lovely with cream cheese. We could sit outside and pass judgement on those chewing on our untrendy neighbours, the humble sandwhich.

But alas, we were not to be satisified by bagel alone. We needed more. And what better then the newest craze hot off the cold summer of 2009 , the cupcake. We want to regress to our childhood for ten glory filled minutes with our pink sponge, iced cakes with bits of marizpan fruit stuck on top covered in (proberely) non edible glitter. Yeah. We like that. When in cupcake land for those glory five minutes we can pretend to forget that our heatlh system is crap, we have no decent ministers, we can’t even build a working bridge. But hey, for five minutes we can dream right?





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